Even though it's March I feel a huge Garden Pressure.. why? Because it's already been 80 degrees for a week straight! Highly unsual. After the year we had last year where it was 90 degrees in June and it killed all of our started plants.. I feel like we need to rush this year.. and pray tht April rains don't drown everything!
Over the weekend we managed to not only clean the house, but clear out and plant all but 1 of the raised beds. The only reason why the 1 was not planted is we need to put dirt in it first :) Granted 2 boxes were already planted and growing Garlic. ;)
As of right now we have these things seeded.
- Lettuce
- Carrots
- Kolrabi
- Asian Cabbage
- Radish
- Garlic
- Onions
- Basil
- Oregano
- Dill (1 whole bed for Pickling)
- Ginger
- Horseradish
- Mint (came back from last year)
- Lemon Balm (came back from last year)
- Strawberries (came back from the last few year's)
- 4 Diffrent Tomato's
- Mini Bell Pepper's
- Green Bell Pepper's
- Golden Bell Pepper's
- Red Bell Pepper's
- Peppercinie's
- Tomatillios
- Asian Cabbage
- Onions
- Sage
- Basil
- Dill
- Parsley
- Spinach
- Pea's
- Harcord Vert Green Beans
- Luffa
- Cuecumbers
- Mini Cuecumbers
- Strawberry Pop Corn
I am trying to grow Sweet Potato slips in my windowsill but I may have started to late.
I still need to buy some more Onion Bulbs and potato's... but this sums up my list for this year.
New this year
- Sweet Potato's
- Mini Cuecumber's
- Mini Green pepper's
- Ginger
- Horse Radish
- Asian Cabbage
- Radish
- Hardcord Vert Green Beans
- Kolrabi
Back after an absence
- Spinach
We still have the Rose bushes and Iris's in our flower beds and a few misc flowers that were planted here before we bought the house.
This sums up this years Garden excited and can't wait! I love watching things grow!